Over 65 years of Experience Serving You

Where the best deals are always found in store.

Mon - Fri 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Sun Closed

4371 Kingston Rd, Scarborough

3 Generations Draw

3 Generations Draw has started! Show us your family been shopping with us for 3 Generations to be entered for the draw for prizes from Sonos and Klipsch.

At least 2 generations and a picture of your third generation need to be present in our store and 2 addresses need to be found in our computer for your draw ticket to be issued. Make a purchase at the time for an additional draw ticket.

Tickets will be drawn June 15 at our commemoration ceremony to celebrate G&G's 65th Anniversary and founder George Tsuyuki's 90th Birthday.

Any questions please email katie@ggelectronics.com